Claim Your FREE Clarity Call

Private Coaching and Online Course for MEN: Stop NEGLECTING the Important Areas and People in Your Life. Begin to live with Purpose and Passion in the areas that matter most experiencing MORE HAPPINESS and Less Pain.   

Watch Video Below to Learn More.

Get the free transformational DAY PAGE now. Stop Neglect in the areas that matter most.

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There are 3 ways you can experience transformation with Damon.

Which one is right for you?

Option 1

Take the 5 Lessons to Life Transformation Online Course  


MEN. . . .Are you finding yourself constantly distracted, NEGLECTING yourself and those you love?  Do you fear that your current course will lead to regrets and eventual disasters down the road? Damon's in-depth 5-lesson Online Course is designed to guide you through a transformative journey, helping you BREAK FREE from current pain and frustration to immediate Purpose and Intention. 

Discover hope, passion, and purpose as you delve into crucial areas of your life and gain clarity on what success truly means to you in each area. Through a personalized daily plan tailored to your unique needs and aspirations, along with practical tools such as Your Day Page, you'll be equipped to be the man you and your family deserve.  

Don't let procrastination hold you back from the life you deserve. Take the proactive step today and unlock immediate access to our course, setting yourself on a path towards a brighter and more fulfilling future.

Click Here to Purchase

Option 2

Schedule Your Private 1:1 Time with Damon

Do you want the benefits of the Transformation Online Course but prefer it in 1:1 Private In-Person Face to Face Sessions or Video Call? NEED THE STRONG ACCOUNTABILITY??

Well, this option is perfect for you. You will get all the benefits, custom TOOLS, and life transformation you would get with the Online Course but with Damon privately, 1 on 1. 

This PRIVATE 1:1 Coaching with Damon includes  Two 1:1 Private Coaching Calls (60 minutes), UNLIMITED Private Texting with Damon and option for "Tune-Up" future sessions at a highly discounted rate.   


Schedule Time with Damon

Option 2

Book a Private Workshop for Your Team or Group of Friends

This is a great option to still get the benefits of a 1:1 Private Session but do so with some friends or your corporate team.

Experience this life transformation with others not only changing your life but changing the life of those you care for and work with. 

(*3-7 participants required*)

Book a Private workshop

Option 3

Book the Seminar for Your Next Business Event.  

Everyone loves motivation. Motivation is important but it does only last so long. Yes, "nuggets" can be "mined" from a good motivational talk but are they remembered and lived hours after the event? What about next day? What about next month? Is the "nugget" forgotten? Has real life transformation truly taken place? Sometimes. 

Bringing The Two Hour Turn Around to your next event live's WILL BE TRANSFORMED.  This transformation will take place not only in the workplace but most importantly in the other important areas, AT HOME, and IN LIFE.

A company that cares about their employees truly succeeding, not only in the workplace but at home and in life, is a company that has chosen to go above and beyond. BRING LIFE CHANGE TO YOUR PEOPLE. . do not delay.

**This seminar can be adjusted/customized to fit time restraints and/or other concerns**

Book for Next Event

 With Damon Privately, taking the Online Course, or in the Seminar You Will. 

Identify the most important areas of your life. We usually have about 5 to 6 areas that matter most and how we "show up" DAILY in those areas matter.

Clearly define what "success" or "winning" in the Most Important Areas looks like for YOU through the powerful and exclusive Six Questions to Clarity.

Eliminate overwhelm and inaction and discover the 1 to 2 actions to be taken DAILY in the most important areas of your life, making the vision of success in those areas REALITY through the exclusive My Day Page tool.

Book Your Time with Damon

What is it Worth?

WHAT is it worth for you and your team to move from paralysis in life to progress and passion in life?  
WHAT is it worth to move quickly, 2 Hours, from a sense of confusion, isolation, and powerlessness to one of Clarity, Confidence, and Capability?
WHAT is it worth to achieve simplicity in an ever increasing distracting and complex world?
WHAT is it worth to have a simple, but powerful system, to achieve extreme clarity on what success looks like in all areas of your life and tool to live that success daily?

It's Worth a Lot!

Don't Delay. Book Now.